The "Poetic Hotel"
is an installation set up in Padova, inside an abandoned hotel.
The rooms left in their state of decadence, have been transformed in a contemporary Art-Space with several art installation as sculpture, painting, photography, literature, poetry, audio-visual performances and street art.
The "Poetic Hotel" is an inaccessible place, closed to public, visible only through the media published online, which are the memory and archive for this Contemporary Art Site.
The Artworks at the "Poetic Hotel" have been installed by the artists and intentionally forever abandoned.
No one will access the hotel until the "fade", when the "Poetic Hotel" will be demolished and the Project will be accomplished.
Simone Berno.
homepage video "C a t t e d r a l e S o s p e s a"
Antonio Irre for Poetic Hotel